In order to maximise the photographic potential of a property, it is nearly almost always necessary to edit the photos. The degree to which they need editing will depend on a number of factors, e.g. the weather, how tidy the property is, whether it’s possible to get a clear view of the property, personal taste etc. Naturally we try and get the best possible photographs in the camera.
At Property Image Services we then spend quite a lot of time editing the photos we take before sending them over to our clients. We want each photo to be as good as it can be, to show off the property as well as possible, and to incorporate our style.
So, how do we do this? For most photos we’ll do some or all of the following:
- We combine several photos and the layer them in order to bring out the shadows and highlights.
- We adjust the levels of light, colour, saturation etc.
- We adjust the white balance in order to show the correct colours.
- We make sure the verticals are vertical.
- We crop the image to provide the best composition
- We use light and dark brushes to paint light and shadow
- We take out distractions, e.g. trailing wires
- We blur photographs of people.
- We then compare the finished photo to the rest of the set to make sure they match.
This process can take quite a long time for each photo if there are a number of things to edit, so we always like to have several hours after taking the photos in order to ‘process’ them. It may seem like a dull, laborious process, but it can be quite exciting, almost magical.
We’ve shown some examples below of the original photo, and the final, edited photo so hopefully you can see how much the image is improved by editing it.
Original Image

After Editing

Original Image

After Editing

Original Image

After Editing

Original Image

After Editing

Original Image

After Editing

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